Media release: Federal Budget provides certainty for Independent schools

30 March 2022

The Independent school sector is reassured by Federal Budget, which provides for wellbeing programs, educational reforms and more access for those in regional areas to boarding school places and childcare.

The Federal Budget provides funding for Independent schools to continue programs that support the wellbeing of students across the county and supports important educational reforms in schools. The Budget funding will also allow more regional families to access early
childhood services and boarding schools.

Independent Schools Australia (ISA) Chief Executive Officer, Ms Margery Evans said, “The $9.7 million set aside to help Independent schools address mental health and wellbeing of students provides Independent schools the certainty they need to continue successful

“We are pleased the Budget takes into account the need to support students, especially now when so many are traumatised by floods and the pandemic.

$17 million for extending national education reforms in Independent schools is also welcomed.

The Budget also provides for $19.4 million for early childhood services in regional community care, which many Independent schools are well placed to provide.

“This funding will enable Independent schools in regional areas to open or extend regional, community childcare.

“We are also pleased to see the Budget provides for 200 regional students over two years to attend boarding schools.

“Boarding school places for Indigenous children and childcare places are greatly needed in these communities,” Ms Evans said.

ISA is the peak body representing 1,187 Independent schools with 667,259 enrolled students.

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