ISA prepared this submission in response to the Department of Employment and Workforce Relation’s Developing a Blueprint for the VET Workforce consultation paper.
ISA represents the Independent school sector on national education issues, working closely with the state and territory Associations of Independent Schools to understand opportunities and challenges regarding the delivery of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Independent schools. This includes workforce challenges, accreditation, careers advice, VET funding, student training costs, and information regarding ongoing and new initiatives across states and territories.
Many Independent schools across Australia offer high-quality VET to senior students, helping to address the national skill shortage.
In September 2023, Jobs and Skills Australia’s report found that over the year to May 2023, 91 per cent of total employment growth was in occupations that require post-school qualifications, with over half requiring vocational education and training pathways.
To meet the growth in demand for VET trained workers, it is essential that Australia has a professional VET workforce with the appropriate resourcing and training to position learners for success in their chosen field.
The Paper explores the development of a VET Workforce Blueprint, identifying practical actions at the national, state and territory government and local levels to grow and support the VET workforce.