Independent Schools Australia (ISA) is pleased to see the Australian Government’s National Teacher Workforce Action Plan has been released for consultation.
Independent Schools Australia (ISA) is pleased to see the Australian Government’s National Teacher Workforce Action Plan has been released for consultation.
This action plan continues the commitment Education Ministers made following the teacher workforce roundtable in August
ISA Chief Executive, Ms Margery Evans said, “We have been involved in the consultation on the critical need to strengthen our teacher workforce.
“We were pleased to see provision in the Federal Budget for addressing teacher workforce issues and now welcome this opportunity to comment on the action plan. It is critical that Independent school teachers and leaders assess the proposals against the reality of their classrooms and provide their feedback.
“There will be no single quick fix to the teacher shortage, which has been building up for years.
“It is important to get teacher workforce planning right, not only for Australia’s children but for all Australians,” she said.
ISA is the peak body representing 1,187 Independent schools with 667,259 enrolled students. Of all the teachers in Australia, 18.5 per cent worked in Independent schools in 2021, which is more than 60,821 people, or 54,925 full-time-equivalent teachers.
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