Media release: Nationwide snapshot of Independent schools released

18 May 2023

Independent Schools Australia (ISA) has published its annual Snapshot, which draws on the latest available data to provide an overview of the characteristics of the Independent school sector, enrolments and more.

ISA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Graham Catt said today, “The data tells a story of families who have increasingly been discovering the great diversity of Independent schools and the choice this offers.

“There are schools that cater for all kinds of values, religious affiliations, and pedagogical approaches.

“With a 3.2 per cent growth in enrolments in 2022, Independent schools now enrol 17 per cent of all school students in Australia.

The latest data also shows that;

  • 688,638 students attend Independent schools, including 17,752 indigenous students and an estimated 143,500 students with disability
  • Independent schools employ over 19 per cent of all teachers in Australian schools
  • The median annual fee of Independent schools is $5,272
  • The majority of Independent school funding (around 52 per cent of recurrent and capital funding) comes from parents and school communities.

ISA is the national peak body representing 1,209 Independent schools.

The six-page Snapshot, and its companion publication one-page At a Glance are available on the ISA website.

Note: Independent schools include Independent Catholic schools (Ie. Catholic schools that are not part of the Catholic system.)