Media release: ISA congratulates new Education Minister

1 June 2022

Independent Schools Australia (ISA) welcomes the appointment of the new Minister for Education, Jason Clare MP, following the recent Federal Election.

ISA Chief Executive Officer, Ms Margery Evans congratulates the new Australian Government and the newly-appointed ministers.

“We have always enjoyed a positive relationship with Labor Ministers and we look forward to working with Mr Clare to discuss the particular challenges and issues that affect Independent schools, as well as the ways the Independent sector can further contribute to education in Australia.

ISA also welcomes the appointment of Senator Anthony Chisholm as Assistant Minister for Education, Brendan O’Connor MP as Minister for Skills and Training, and Dr Anne Aly MP as Minister for Youth and Early Childhood Education.

“During the pandemic, awareness of the needs of students and teachers has increased. We stand ready to assist the Australian Government in its consideration of policy issues that affect education and the wellbeing of our students and teachers,” Ms Evans said.

“Parents are increasingly putting their trust in Independent schools with enrolment numbers surging – especially during the pandemic “This is putting strains on the staff and resources of Independent schools, “More than ever, Independent schools seek certainty of funding to enable them to continue to provide the support students and teachers need.

“I have every confidence that strong collaboration will continue now that Labor is in government.

“With the right support, Independent schools can continue to provide parents with the choice and assurances they seek in uncertain times,” Ms Evans said.

ISA is the peak body representing 1,187 Independent schools with 667,259 enrolled students.

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