ISA has prepared this submission in response to the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform Agreement - Interim Report and seeks to address four key policy challenges facing Australia’s school systems noted in the interim report as well as the draft recommendations.
ISA welcomes the perspectives put forward in the Productivity Commission Review of the National School Reform Agreement – Interim Report. The Interim Report acknowledges the difficulties and challenges in the delivery of the ambitious and complex change agenda in the current National School Reform Agreement (NSRA) and highlights areas for future focus as well as outlining avenues to explore in relation to flexible delivery, accountability and transparency.
ISA would like to reiterate that the national reform agenda is of importance for all students, and it is essential that all governments, Commonwealth, state and territory, recognise that what fosters quality of education is equity of access and opportunity, teacher expertise and relevance regardless of jurisdiction or sector.
While school funding is out of scope of this review, implementation of the NPIs is a condition of Commonwealth funding to states and territories under the Australian Education Act 2013 and the bilateral agreements set out the state and territory commitments to funding their contributions to government and non-government sectors in each state and territory. It is crucial that current funding relativities are maintained, and that funding continues on to be distributed on an equitable footing between sectors so that access, quality and relevance can be improved.